Periodontal disease and its Treatment Options: Everything You Need to Know

Apr 27, 2022 | Patient Education, Periodontal Disease

Periodontal Disease Treatments Offered in Kelowna

Your teeth are subject to getting loose as you age; however, proper cleaning and care can make your teeth last a lifetime. Aside from performing daily proper oral hygiene, you can avoid periodontal disease, which refers to the bacteria attacking the tissues that surround your teeth for stability. Gum disease symptoms easily slip when brushing daily, whereas a periodontist will know what to look for in your bi-annual dental cleanups and checkups.

Gingivitis is another oral complication that develops in people who do not follow a proper daily oral hygiene routine. Suppose your miss your dental checkups and do not treat gingivitis, in that case, the bacteria and infection can progress to severe periodontal disease, resulting in bone tissue loss. The gums detach from the tooth, creating sockets around it, making it easier for bacteria to be stored to create infections (these spaces usually cannot be reached by a traditional toothbrush or dental floss); a periodontist will have to evaluate your dental health and assist you in preserving your teeth.

If there has been a periodontal disease case in your family, please notify a periodontist to give you a treatment plan tailored to your needs, as periodontal diseases tend to come from genetics. Gum infections and periodontal diseases can be slowed and treated by our periodontist in Kelowna. Please book a consultation at our Kelowna clinic to better assist with your dental problems.

Symptoms of Periodontal Disease

Anyone can experience periodontal disease without having any previous symptoms; this is usually the case for smokers because nicotine reduces the blood supply to the gums, which avoids swelling and pain. However, patients are encouraged to properly look for the following symptoms:

Bleeding gum

It is a misconception to many people that when the gum bleeds, it means you might just be brushing your teeth harder. Even though his action is not recommended, they should not bleed. Any bleeding to your gums should be a reason to visit a periodontist near you for a dental checkup.

Bad breath

Bad breath is usually a result of plaque and bacteria buildup in between your teeth that can lead to periodontal diseasesa.

Swelling of the gums

The first visible dental symptom of periodontal disease are inflamed gums. If you are experiencing swelling in your gums, visit a periodontist to evaluate your oral health.

Receding gums

If you see that your gums have created more space for your teeth to show, you may be experiencing receding gums, exposing some of your tooth roots that can be susceptible to infections.


If your roots are exposed, your tooth can be more sensitive to temperature changes (cold or hot).

Periodontal abscess

The accumulation of bacteria in the gums can create pockets around your teeth filled with pus. This condition can be painful for the patient.

Loose teeth

If your oral health deteriorates due to periodontal disease, your teeth might become loose due to the low support your gums have on your teeth. Losing a tooth can be advanced by exerting high pressure when eating or talking.

Periodontal Disease Treatment Options Near You

Every dental treatment or procedure performed by a periodontist in our Kelowna dental clinic starts with an evaluation of your oral health and cleaning your teeth to remove excess bacteria and plaque from between your teeth. This helps your periodontist have a clearer picture of your oral health. Our periodontist will assess your periodontal disease and provide you with the best treatment plan to prevent further complications.

The best way to prevent periodontal disease is to brush and floss your teeth daily and visit a periodontist near you every six months to perform professional dental cleanings and checkups. Other factors like diet and stress may increase the risk of developing periodontal disease. To ensure you prevent gum disease, reduce your stress levels and eat a balanced diet.

Call us to book an appointment with our periodontist to best treat your periodontal disease.


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