Okanagan Periodontics

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Patient Education

Gum Grafting: 4 Crucial Facts to Know

Gum Grafting: 4 Crucial Facts to Know

Most of us are familiar with a wide range of dental treatments like receiving dental fillings, dentures, and root canal therapy. But dentistry as a branch of health encompasses multiple specialties and many different treatments in order to address our needs. One such...

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When Can You Eat After Undergoing a Gum Graft?

When Can You Eat After Undergoing a Gum Graft?

When periodontal disease is left untreated and advances, it leads to gum recession. This leads the gum line to shrink, exposing the tooth roots. At Okanagan Perio, we offer gum grafting in Kelowna to improve the appearance of your gum line and protect your tooth roots...

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All You Need to Know About Tooth Extractions

All You Need to Know About Tooth Extractions

Reasons for Tooth Extractions There are several reasons why our dentist may recommend that you get a tooth extraction near you, including: Malpositioned teeth: to avoid potential complications that may eventually result in a negative impact on your oral health, our...

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Top 10 Benefits of Laser Dentistry in 2021

Top 10 Benefits of Laser Dentistry in 2021

While laser dentistry has been used for over a decade, some patients are still nervous about the use of lasers during dental procedures. At Okanagan Periodontics, we provide laser-assisted surgery in Kelowna to enhance patient experience during and after their dental...

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